Steve has proven ability to drive profitable growth for retail organizations. He is nationally recognized as a senior executive leader with unsurpassed expertise in retail services, vast multi-site location expertise, new product and service implementation, marketing and merchandising, strategic planning, financial oversight, organizational development, operations and driving bottom-line results. Read more...

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Entries in Personal (1)


WELCOME……. I’m glad you’re here.


By using this Blog, I hope to maintain an open dialogue with retail organizations and the employees they employ.  I will be sharing with you what I have learned about executive management.  I’ll be covering topics like employment issues, selling in a difficult market,  how to build an effective team, what to look for in strategic partners, acquisitions, turnaround and startups, how to train and motivate your employees and much more.  I hope that all of this will lead to philosophical and controversial discussions.  You will be encouraged to express your opinions about my blog posts and current events.  I want to create another conduit for meaningful social exchange.  I encourage you to visit my blog often and share your points of view on the topics presented.

Thank you for supporting my blog.  I am looking forward to engaging in an exchange of ideas that will benefit all participants.